Nevil Shute Norway Foundation

Flying Summary: REQUIEM FOR A WREN

Published: 1955 Heineman  
Setting: 1944, preparing for Overlord, just before D-Day  
Story: A young WREN armament artificer reacts against an intruding German bomber by shooting it down.
To her dismay instead of a crew of four there are seven bodies recovered from the wreckage; it is assumed that they are Czechs or Poles trying to escape from France in a captured aircraft and were trying to land when she shot them down.
The WREN's commando boyfriend is killed in action. Without revealing the relationship, she later obtains work in his former home in Australia.
Still full of remorse she takes her own life just prior to the homecoming of her boyfriend's brother who had met them both in England.
Locations: The Hamble River in Hampshire
Over Northern France
Over the English Channel
The Australian homestead
Main Characters: Leading Wren Janet Prentice
Lt Craigie, RN.
Bill Duncan, Janet's commando boyfriend
Wg. Cdr Alan Duncan (Bill's brother)(narrator)
Flying Episodes: Shooting down of the JU 188 is critical to the Story.  
Aircraft: JU 188
Typhoon; FW Ta 152; Me 262
Flying Characters: 7 crew/passengers on JU 188.
Sqn Ldr Alan Duncan, Typhoon pilot.
Ldg Wren Janet Prentice (Ordnance maintenance rating)
Aviation Location(s): Beaulieu aerodrome
The Hamble River
RNAS Ford; RAF Aston Down
Aviation Activities German intrusion over Hamble river/shot down
Typhoon operations over France
Wren testing guns of Swordfish
Additional Comments: Actual shooting down of JU188, with 7 bodies, was believed to have been witnessed by Lt Cdr Norway RNR at Exbury just before D-Day.